streaks across my psychedelic sky

So This Is What It Feels Like

Posted on: December 17, 2005

I am tired but I feel like I have to write about today to do it justice.

Someone asked me last night if I was excited about my move (which was earlier today). I honestly could not say that I was. The feeling that prevailed was "let's get this shit over with. I have waited too damn long and had to hurdle a lot of speedbumps to get to this point. Finally."

As expected, I had an early start today. More so than if it were a regular work day for me. I got most of my things at the new house except my clothes. I just can't get over the fact that I have to shell out good money for extra clothes space; that I can only put like two weeks' worth of clothes and then have to gather a new two-week set from the travel bag. What the hell… am I living in my own place or in a hotel?

Reality check. Reasons why I chose this apartment at first visit:
1. I felt that it was cozy-perfect for me;
2. Good location in a safe, quiet neighborhood;
3. It is a ride to and from the office, a welcome change from four jeepney rides or one expensive taxi fare;
4. The rent is just right;
5. I hit it off right away with my landlady, which for me is a very good sign.

Rather than brood over how I'm going to fit everything into my already stretched budget, I decided to be content with what I have right now. I will make do with the small closet space and save up to buy a roomier one. What I will purchase in the next few days will be those small stuff that I would really need like pots and pans, broom and dustpan, garbage bags, medicine chest. All the needed stuff I took forgranted at home because mom took care of it.

As I write this, realization dawns and the corners of my mouth turn up. It is great to think about things to buy for one's own place. To imagine how to arrange and then rearrange existing furniture to achieve the look you want. To decide where to put the essentials like my JJ Double Digests, scented candles and potpourri, and the lamps. To dream up what color curtains would be best for all three windows… just plain solid colors, thank you. I could go on and on.

I can't thank my family enough for all the support. Mom was so generous with all the still new stuff she had like the 2-burner stove and a gas tank, the green Duralex dining set I loved, new kitchen utensils, a new set of bedsheet and pillowcases, and a whole lot more; my brother was so generous with his time and effort. He has not slept a wink in almost 24 hours as he helped provide the muscle and went with me to the new place straight from work. Even Dad was there to lend a hand.

Friends helped, too. There is Greza who went apartment-hunting with me all those times until we found this gem. My officemate, Bong, who went with me and took measurements at the apartment so I would know where everything fit and who was kind enough to get landline/DSL application forms for me. Ejun (heaven help me if I have committed the sin of misspelling the name ), a member of G's extended family, for providing the means to transport all my stuff and for keeping calm despite traffic and the hellish heat because of a malfunctioning fanbelt.

I am not 100% moved in yet. I am still going to sleep in my room at my parent's home. Only until Christmas Day. That is my goal. I would like my brother to be able to move into his new room by New Year's Eve so both of us will be in our new sanctuaries when we bid the new year hello.


Currently reading: The Eye of the World, Robert Jordan
Currently watching: pikachu which hanz perched on my monitor
Currently feeling: mixed emotions

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